Litchfield Beautification Foundation
A 501c3 Organization
We need your help
In 2023 private donations to the Litchfield Beautification Foundation amounted to $90,909. This was a solid year for the Foundation and we look forward to expanding on this generous giving in 2024. Increased competition for Accommodations Tax grants from Georgetown county as well as rising costs of our landscaping efforts will necessitate that we continue to reach out for new donors while encouraging current donors to consider increasing their commitment. Financial independence remains a high priority for LBF. The chart below shows the amounts and percentage of private support dollars by individuals, businesses and HoAs/PoAs for 2023.

Click on form to contribute
What is the Benefit to you?
A beautiful environment in which to live, work, play and shop. A tourist enhancement to bring more money into our local economy through taxes and spending on rooms, meals, golf, and shopping. Your donation support will help ensure that the proper funds are in place to maintain this area and ensure the beauty that we have all come to appreciate and value.
Your donations are tax deductible and important no matter what the amount.
· SMALL BUSINESS $250 - $500
(Based on number of members)
All donors will receive a decal and a letter of appreciation. So become a donor now! It’s easy and fast.

The LBF Flag Project,
In Honor of……….
The Flag Project is a display of 80 American flags along 3.8 miles of Ocean Highway, (Rte. 17) corridor on patriotic holidays. All monies donated to support the flag fund will be used to purchase, maintain, and install flags. More days will be added as funds allow. Any donation is appreciated. In addition, there are several categories of funding for our “IN HONOR OF….” web site Honor Roll.
An individual can be honored or memorialized with the following donation levels:
$35. A personalized card acknowledging an individual of your choice.
$50. Flag kit purchase.
$220/270. Sponsoring the cost of flying the flags on one of the holidays.
Get in touch so we can start working together.
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